Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hyrule here I come!

Hyrule here I come!, originally uploaded by Atelier Cupcake.

I went to pick up my copy of The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D today as stores were closed here yesterday in celebration of Father's Day :( I was really irked by this not only because we would be getting it later than everyone else int he USA but because Nintendo had this free soundtrack offer when you register your game with Club Nintendo and you had to register the game the first day to be able to get it. Thank god that they extended the offer until tomorrow @ midnight I believe because of the popularity of it. I guess a lot of people went out and got it on launch just because of the offer. I am so happy so happy to finally have something other than fighters to play in my 3DS <3 The other games I own right now are Street Fighter IV and DOA Dimensions so I was really itching for an rpg/adventure to spend some real time with. I will post a video review once I've spent some time with it for now I am just happy to revisit Hyrule and run with Epona once again. The last time I played this when it came out for the N64 many many eons ago and I have very fond memories of it. To everyone who got this today have fun :)

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