Thursday, February 17, 2011

Heavenly Creatures retro movie review

Heavenly Creatures, originally uploaded by Atelier Cupcake.

When my husband suggested the movie Heavenly Creatures to me a long time ago he told me it was directed by Peter Jackson and that he had really enjoyed watching it when it first came out. I was really anxious to see it but we couldn’t find a copy anywhere. It wasn’t until last night that we were able to watch the film. I was so blown away by this movie in so many levels that I am having a hard time articulating all that I want to say about it. If you’ve followed Jackson's work you know one of his first films “Meet the Feebles” is an insane acid trip of a film that uses puppets in adult situations.

Creatures is very much alike to The Lovely Bones teenage escapism theme where the protagonist visits these fantasy scenarios to escape her reality with the added bonus of Meet the Feebles like crazy role playing puppets. If you haven’t watched any of these other films by Jackson I highly recommend them because you will see how he has sort of recycled some of his ideas in them but each time he makes it into a completely unique experience.

This movie revolves around the relationship between two teenage girls, played by the @ that time a newbie Kate Winslet and Melanie Lysnkey. This film touches so many themes from friendship, love, family, homosexuality, and teenage rebellion but the one that touched me the most was the psychological theme of escapism and the beautiful way that Jackson renders it. Both girls have emotional problems that lead them form a very strong bond that turns into an obsession once their families see their relationship turn into more than a friendship and try to separate them.
If you like fantasy and have an open mind do yourself a favor and seek out a copy of this film. This is Peter Jackson at his best. The film is pretty hardcore but its also in my opinion a masterpiece; it’s beautiful, its soft, its gory and what is more outstanding its based on a true story. Now stop reading this and go watch it!

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