Sunday, February 13, 2011

Neo Games Japan

Neo Games Japan
Originally uploaded by Atelier Cupcake
My hubs I went on a game hunting expedition yesterday in search of some oldies but goodies. We made a few stops but our first one was totally non game related but worth mentioning XD We went to Krispy Kremes first to get some yummy doughnuts before we arrived at our first stop: Neo Games Japan. This store specializes in old school games from Atari 2600 to NES, GENESIS and a bit of everything else. We went there mainly to buy some Genesis and NES cartridges. You can see what we picked up there in my first pick ups video on youtube here: The place is small but has quite a bit of variety and I would mostly recommend it if you want to get some non rare old school stuff, otherwise the prices for the more hard to find things are a bit steep and you can probably get a better deal online but as far as NES, Genesis, Master System stuff the cartridges are fairly priced and they are tested before they accept them in trade in so they are all in good working condition. If you live in Puerto Rico and want to get some retro games you can visit their website here for some directions:

Some pics from yesterday's expedition:

Master System Wall @ Neo Games Japan

Nintendo Wall @ Neo Games Japan

Krispy Kremes baby!

My favorite doughnuts

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